Generation of seed lipoxygenase-free soybean using CRISPR-Cas9

来源 :作物学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kk527319
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Beany flavor induced by three lipoxygenases (LOXs, including LOX1, LOX2, and LOX3) restricts human consumption of soybean. It is desirable to generate lipoxygenase-free new mutant lines to improve the eating quality of soybean oil and protein products. In this study, a pooled clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPR)-CRISPR-associated protein 9 (Cas9) strategy targeting three GmLox genes (GmLox1, GmLox2, and GmLox3) was applied and 60 T0 positive transgenic plants were generated, carrying combinations of sgRNAs and mutations. Among them, GmLox-28 and GmLox-60 were gmlox1gmlox2gmlox3 triple mutants and GmLox-40 was a gmlox1gmlox2 double mutant. Sequencing of T1 mutant plants derived from GmLox-28, GmLox-60, and GmLox-40 showed that mutation in the GmLox gene was inherited by the next generation. Colorimetric assay revealed that plants carrying different combinations of mutations lost the corresponding lipoxygenase activities. Transgene-free mutants were obtained by screening the T2 generation of lipoxygenase-free mutant lines (GmLox-28 and GmLox-60). These transgene-and lipoxygenase-free mutants could be used for soybean beany flavor reduction without restriction by regulatory frameworks goving transgenic organisms.
Single-nucleotide polymorphisms contribute to phenotypic diversity in maize. Creation and functional annotation of point mutations has been limited by the low e
1906年,越剧诞生在嵊县乡村,当初不过是乡民自娱自乐的小戏,而今却成为知名度唯一没有超过京剧的中国最大的地方戏。越剧从诞生之初起,就不固步自封,一直在求生存中求新求变,不断吸收中外文化的精华。如今,越剧已从一个乡村小戏种成为外国人眼中的中国歌剧。  在世界舞台上,越剧有两种模样。  第一种是传统模样。20世纪50年代,越剧在和平稳定的环境中有了发展的机会,十几年里,迎来了一个黄金时期。1954年
江南又逢春。  2016年3月27日上午,浙江嵊州市甘霖镇东王村处处温婉飘回:110年前的这天晚间,常年在外“沿门唱书”返乡的艺人,摇摇曳曳登上村里香火堂前的稻桶门板……从此,越音越韵续传,越剧成为风行海内的一大剧种。  “东王村的每一条弄堂、每一块石板、每一滴水、每一缕空气,都在为越剧舞动水袖。”在大会开幕式现场,一位戏迷这样诗意地描述。  见人见物见生活,留身留影留记忆。今天,东王村的几间民居
民星大舞台,百姓演、百姓看、百姓评、百姓乐。自2012年8月,被杭州市拱墅区推出以来,它已成为群众公共文化品牌。  搭建民间的文艺舞台  如何不断丰富百姓的精神生活,满足文化需求?就从百姓中寻找。  俗话说“高手在民间”,意思是民间有很多富有才情、更接地气的各色“范儿”,有的绝活能让专业人士服帖。杭州市拱墅区由文化广电新闻出版局(体育局)出面,借鉴成功做法,甚至参照央视“星光大道”这一成熟形式,搭
江南有诸多意象,越剧则是江南意境的最好阐发。  施家岙是浙江嵊州甘霖镇的越剧小村。村子前有条剡溪水澄潭江,一曲环绕。当年竹篙轻点,载着越剧的小船悠悠撑向外部人世间。  娘家戏班,绳其祖武  施家岙村有祠堂叫“绳武”,语出于《诗》:“昭兹来许,绳其祖武。”90多年前,女子越剧在这里诞生,现在,是娘家戏班的所在地。娘家,意味着母本,也昭示着继续先人的步武。  走进绳武堂,娘家戏班的演员正在演出原汁原味