清代末年,地处内陆的四川受沿海新思潮的影响,开始改变闭塞的状况,出现了近代报业。从民国初年到五四运动前后,四川报业有了较大的发展,全省新创报刊约150余家。这些报刊,尽管政治倾向各有不同,但多数还是以批判封建专制、宣传民主政治、提高自由平等为宗旨。同时也出现了像吴虞、蒲殿俊这样具有全国性影响的报刊活动家。蒲殿俊首先是一个政治人物,报刊乃是其从事政治活动的手段。吴虞却不是积极的革命活动家,一生主要经历是办报和教书。 一、成都言新学之最先者 中国近代报业的兴起,是与中国资产阶级的
In the late Qing Dynasty, the hinterland of Sichuan was affected by the new trend of thought in the coastal areas and began to change the situation of occlusion. Before and after the May 4th Movement from the early Republic of China to the May Fourth Movement, the newspaper industry in Sichuan had a great development. About 150 newspapers were newly created in the province. Although these newspapers and magazines have different political orientations, most of them still aim at criticizing feudal autocracy, promoting democratic politics and raising freedom and equality. At the same time, newspaper activists such as Wu Yu and Po Ting-jun have emerged that have a national impact. Pu Dianjun is first and foremost a political figure, and newspapers and periodicals are their means of engaging in political activities. Wu Yu is not an active revolutionary activist. His main experience in life is running newspapers and teaching. I. The forerunner of Chengdu saying that new schools of thought are the rise of the modern Chinese newspaper industry is the cooperation with the Chinese bourgeoisie