“乙烯”花开成都 改写工业“版图”

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四川80万吨/年乙烯工程项目,是西南地区历史上第一套大型乙烯项目,实现了西南地区以乙烯为龙头的石化工业“零”的突破——今年2月28日,作为我省工业历史上最大的投资项目——四川80万吨/年乙烯项目顺利奠基,目前各项工作正在按计划紧张有序地进行,与之配套的四川石化基地建设也拉开了序幕。四川乙烯项目定位为“国内最好、世界一流”,主要建设内容包括:年产80万吨乙烯、35万吨裂解汽油加氢,35万吨芳烯抽提、15万吨丁二烯抽提等。该工程项目深加工潜力大、带动面宽、附加值提升余地大,产品市场前景十分看好,具有较强的市场竞争力。这一项目被视为成都市产业升级的最大推动力,由中国石油天然气股份有限公司和成都石油化工有限公司合资建设,持股比例分别为51%和49%。项目选址在彭州市区以北5公里处的小石河南岸、隆丰镇境内的河滩地区域,占地226公顷。项目建成投产后,可带功相关产业发展,实现工业产值1400多亿元。工程计划在“十一五”期间建成投产。被称为“石化之母”的乙烯是塑料、汽车零部件、纺织品等的上游原料,其特点是投资大、利润高、市场需求大。以2003年数据为例:全国乙烯产量612万吨,当量消费量1613万吨,国内市场满足率仅38%,其下游产品有一半依赖进口。供需矛盾在西南地区表现得更为明显,当量需求量达到64万吨,其中四川占35万吨;预计到2010年和2015年当量需求量分别达到140万吨和215万吨,其中四川分别为77万吨和118万吨。即使到2010年我国乙烯产能将达1400万吨,到时也只能满足国内需求的50%-60%。在西南部地区率先建立起石油化工基地,就等于抢到了这个正迅述发展的新兴市场的先机。 Sichuan 800,000 tons / year ethylene project is the history of Southwest China’s first large-scale ethylene project to achieve the southwest of ethylene as the leading petrochemical industry “zero” breakthrough - February 28 this year, as the industry in our province The largest investment project in history, Sichuan 800,000 tons / year of ethylene project successfully laid the foundation stone, at present the work is being carried out in an orderly manner according to plan, with the accompanying construction of Sichuan Petrochemical Base also kicked off. The Sichuan ethylene project is positioned as “the best in the country and a world-class one.” Its main constructions include: an annual output of 800,000 tons of ethylene, 350,000 tons of pyrolysis gasoline, 350,000 tons of aromatics and 150,000 tons of butadiene Wait. The deep processing of the project potential, driven by a wide range of added value room for improvement, the product market is very promising, with strong market competitiveness. This project is regarded as the biggest impetus for industrial upgrading in Chengdu. It is a joint venture between PetroChina and Chengdu Petrochemical Co., Ltd., holding 51% and 49% respectively. The project is located in the floodplain area on the south bank of Xiao Shihe River and Longfeng Town, 5 kilometers north of the urban area of ​​Pengzhou City and covers an area of ​​226 hectares. After the project is completed and put into production, it may bring the development of related industries and achieve an industrial output value of more than 140 billion yuan. The project plans to put into operation during the “Eleventh Five-Year” period. Ethylene, known as the “mother of petrochemicals,” is an upstream raw material for plastics, auto parts and textiles. It is characterized by large investment, high profits and high market demand. Taking 2003 data as an example, the national output of ethylene is 6.12 million tons, equivalent consumption is 16.13 million tons, the domestic market satisfaction rate is only 38%, and half of its downstream products rely on imports. Conflict between supply and demand in the southwestern region was more obvious, equivalent demand reached 640,000 tons, of which Sichuan accounted for 350,000 tons; estimated 2010 and 2015 equivalent demand reached 1.4 million tons and 2.15 million tons respectively, of which Sichuan were 77 million tons and 1.18 million tons. Even if China’s ethylene production capacity will reach 14 million tons by 2010, it will only be able to meet 50% -60% of domestic demand. Taking the lead in establishing a petrochemical base in the southwestern region is a first-mover advantage in grabbing this emerging market that is undergoing development.
李延海是一位成功的网络淘金者。他2003年进入互联网行业,从事网站建设,先后为韩国影星张娜拉、山东网通、山东联通、香港律协等知名企业做过网站,公司的业务非常好。  但是这个行业利润高,竞争比较混乱,各个公司为了争取客户,竞相压价,其后果只能是牺牲网站的质量,牺牲客户的利益,这是李延海不愿看到的,也不能接受的,于是李延海放弃了网站建设,重新进入了创业大潮中。  从事网站建设这几年,李延海非常关注互联
刚大学毕业不久的她来到了这家公司面试,面试的时候大家都很严肃又很随便。严肃的是公司的形象,随便舶是她与老总之间的交流。  在她回到朋友那的下午,公司打电话问她,什么时候可以去上班。她犹豫了一两秒钟之后回答公司说,明天去不成就后天去。也同是那天下午,另一个她做梦都想进的大公司叫她去面试,她拖着疲惫的身体去了大公司面试。  大公司告诉她,一个星期之内给予答复。她期盼而又虚脱地躺在朋友租住的房间,慢慢地
While China has become a haven for foreign investment, some developed countries are becoming increasingly interested in absorbing China’s new wealth and spare
汪国正,大学商贸专业毕业。在外企工作3年,深感加班之苦,一气之下炒了“资本家”的鱿鱼。这下虽去劳作之苦却来衣食之忧。好在汪国正善于释放压力:只要心中有路,不怕脚下无门。这样想着,心情好了许多,杂志也看得津津有味起来。一次,“高科技毛巾,可吸干湿发、助你美容”,这个信息吸引了汪国正,他按杂志上提供的方式联系。厂家因在该市无代理便同意他做本市代理。  他拿着厂家邮过来的样品来到一家大商场的经理室。此时
China is regulating state-owned enterprises that are investing outside of their core business realms, concerned that poor investment decisions could lead to los