西洋南瓜以其独特的板栗香味、入口绵甜、营养保健 ,深受人们青睐 ,已成为菜蓝子中一个独具特色的品种。然而西洋南瓜秋季栽培病害重、产量低 ,抑制人们的消费 ,为此镇江市蔬菜研究所进行了研究 ,根据几年的观察 ,发现甜栗、黑芳香等品种 ,秋季栽培抗病性较强、产量高 ,每 667?
Western pumpkin with its unique chestnut flavor, sweet cotton entrance, nutrition and health, favored by people, has become a unique variety of vegetables in the blueberry. However, in the autumn, the weight of the western pumpkin cultivation is low, the output is low and the consumption is inhibited. Therefore, the Zhenjiang Vegetable Research Institute has been studied. According to several years of observation, sweet chestnut and black aromatic are found, High yield, every 667?