第四届“何潘清漪优秀论文奖”评奖于 2 0 0 0年 6月 2 8日至 7月 2日在合肥举行的“第三届全球智能控制与自动化大会”上揭晓 ,由大会指导委员会主席谈自忠教授颁奖 .获本届优秀论文奖奖金的文章是 :《离散事件动态系统事件时序的鲁棒性》作者为赵千川、郑大钟 (清华大学自动?
The 4th “He Pan Qingyi Excellent Paper Award” award was held in Hefei on June 28, 2008 to July 2 at the “Third Global Intelligent Control and Automation Conference” announced by the chairman of the General Assembly Steering Committee On the presentation of Professor Zizhong Award by the current paper outstanding prize paper is: “discrete event dynamic system event sequence robustness” by Zhao Qian Chuan, Zheng Dazhong (Tsinghua University automatically?