沉香是常用名贵中药材之一,具行气止痛温中止呕,纳气平喘之功效.国产沉香为瑞香科植物白木香Aquilaria sinensis(Lour.)Gilg含有树脂的木材,主产于广东、广西,进口沉香多来自印尼、越南和柬埔寨等国家,因出产国家不同,外观性状略有差异,但显微组织特征及薄层层析比较无明显差别,其原植物来源是否相同,目前尚无法鉴定.
The incense is one of the most commonly used valuable Chinese herbal medicines. It has the effect of suppressing phlegm and suppressing vomiting, and satisfies qi and asthma. The incense made in China is the wood of Aquilaria sinensis (Lour.) Gilg, which is mainly produced in Guangdong and Guangxi. The imported agarwood from Indonesia, Vietnam and Cambodia, etc., due to different production countries, the appearance of a slight difference, but the microstructure characteristics and thin layer chromatography no significant difference, the original plant source is the same, it is not yet able to identify .