对8例双胎妊娠一胎晚期流产孕妇,应用宫缩抑制剂、宫颈环扎术、促胎儿成熟度治疗,以尽量延长孕周,提高新生儿成活率。治疗过程中严密监测母胎情况,加强基础护理、心理护理、药物护理、便秘护理,严密观察病情变化。结果 3例保胎失败,完全流产。5例成功保胎孕妇终止妊娠孕周为28+5~33+2周,2例行剖宫产,3例自然顺产分娩;出生时新生儿Apgar评分6~9分。出院随访半年,5例孕妇未出现危害母体的严重产科并发症,胎儿均成活,新生儿无严重后遗症发生。提出双胎妊娠一胎晚期流产后继续保胎可行且较安全,加强保胎治疗期间护理可保证妊娠顺利,减少产科并发症,获得满意妊娠结局。
8 cases of twin pregnancy twin abortion pregnant women, the application of tocolytic agents, cervical cerclage, promote fetal maturity treatment, in order to extend gestational age as far as possible to improve the survival rate of newborns. In the course of treatment, we closely monitored the mother’s fetus and strengthened basic care, psychological care, drug care and constipation care, and closely monitored the condition changes. Results failed in three cases of miscarriage, completely abortion. Five pregnant women with successful miscarriage were 28 ± 5 weeks to 33 ± 2 weeks gestational weeks, 2 cases had cesarean section and 3 cases had spontaneous labor. Apgar scores at birth ranged from 6 to 9. After discharge for six months, 5 pregnant women did not appear serious maternal obstetric complications, the fetus survived, no serious neonatal sequelae. It is feasible and safer to continue fetotriding after twins pregnancy. It is safe and safe to strengthen fetus during pregnancy. It can ensure pregnancy smoothly, reduce obstetric complication and obtain satisfying pregnancy outcome.