在这个全国人民欢腾鼓舞庆祝我国建国十周年的时候,让我们回顾一下,在我们伟大的党的英明领导下,我国物理科学十年来、迅速发展壮大的过程和所取得的重大成就吧! 解放以前,在反动统治下,我国生产处在极端落后的状态,近代物理学的研究在1930年前后才略有开始。在几年之中,只在理论物理,X射线,光谱学和放射物理等几个方面,开展了一些零星。孤立的研究工作,及至抗日战争开始,就是这样一些工作也都停顿了。
Let us recall, at this tenth anniversary of the founding of our nation, the people of all over China, and under the wise leadership of our great party, the rapid development and expansion of our physical sciences over the past decade and the great achievements we have made. Before the liberation Under the reactionary rule, China’s production was in an extremely backward state. The study of modern physics started slightly before 1930. In a few years, only a few scattered in several aspects of theoretical physics, X-ray, spectroscopy and radiation physics. Isolated research work and the beginning of the Anti-Japanese War did just that some of the work was stopped.