我国建筑卫生陶瓷产量位居世界第一。然而与国外陶瓷强国相比,我国建筑卫生陶瓷行业的资源及能耗利用率相对较低、环境污染较为严重。此前,我国对于卫生陶瓷行业的环境影响还未有过详细的定量研究。本文采用生命周期评价(Life Cycle Assessment,LCA)方法分析我国典型卫生陶瓷企业从原材料开采,产品运输到产品生产的环境负荷。研究结果显示,卫生陶瓷产品生产环节的环境影响最为显著,而不可再生资源消耗和温室效应是最严重的两个环境影响类型。
China’s production of sanitary ceramics ranked first in the world. However, compared with the foreign ceramic powerhouse, China’s building and sanitary ceramics industry resources and energy efficiency utilization is relatively low, more serious environmental pollution. Previously, China’s environmental impact on the sanitary ceramics industry has not yet been a detailed quantitative study. In this paper, the life cycle assessment (Life Cycle Assessment, LCA) method is used to analyze the environmental load of the typical sanitary ceramics enterprises in our country from raw material mining, product transportation to product production. The results show that the environmental impact of the production of sanitary ceramics is the most significant, while the consumption of non-renewable resources and the greenhouse effect are the two most serious environmental impact types.