世纪交接,岁月更替。人们常常在这样的时刻,有所回顾,有所前瞻。当前中国现代化进程已进入一个关键发展阶段,中国社会正处于一个全新的转型期中,恰逢在中国近现代史上具有重大意义的戊戌维新已历百年。因此,从现代化发展的视角,对这一士大夫的流产变革做一番再回首,将有助于我们更好地理解中国现代化进程的昨天和今天。 1895年的甲午战败,对中国社会的震憾之剧烈、影响之深远与广泛,都是空前的。战败的结局,猛烈地惊破了那种以为中国的固有文明已经自足,除坚船利炮外无需向尚武而唯物的西方学习的迷梦。十九世纪六十年代以来,由洋务派推进的、小修小补的、以“中体西末”为指导思想的、物质器物层面的现代化进程,完全不足以应付全面的社会危机。另一方面,清朝的最
Century handover, the years change. People often look back and look forward at this moment. At present, the process of China’s modernization has entered a crucial stage of development. Chinese society is in a totally new phase of transition, coinciding with the Hundred centuries of reform that have enjoyed great repercussions in the modern history of China. Therefore, looking back from the abortion change made by this doctor from a perspective of modernization will help us to better understand yesterday’s and today’s progress of China’s modernization. In 1895, the defeat of Jiawu County was extremely unprecedented. The shock to Chinese society was so violent that it had far-reaching and extensive implications. The outcome of the defeat violently shattered the illusion that China’s inherent civilizations were self-sufficient and did not have to learn from the West, where martial arts and material things were needed, in addition to the belligerents. Since the 1860s, the modernization process at the material and utensil level led by the Westernization School with the guidance of “the end of Central China and the West” as a guideline has been completely inadequate to deal with the overall social crisis. On the other hand, the Qing Dynasty most