
来源 :上海铁道科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:eric_yf
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1引言随着铁路运输的迅猛发展,各种类型的高速重载桥梁应运而生,但在时速160km以下的铁路桥梁建设工程中,专桥(01)2051系列桥梁以其投入小、生产周期短,便于既有线运输等优势,作为主流梁型仍被广泛采用,该梁型相对其前身专桥2059而言,主要是在横向联结上进行了加固,增强了梁跨的横向刚度,而在实际施工中,因垫石高差、平整度、架设安装误差以及桥梁制造误差等综合因素影响,往往会造成两片梁的横向孔不能完全对位,导致横向张拉用的32精轧螺纹粗钢筋无法顺利穿入,严重阻碍施工进度。而钢绞线对孔道有较好的适应性,本文以专桥(01)2051系列中的32m梁为例,对该情况下用钢绞线代替粗钢筋实施横向张拉的可行性进行分析。 1 Introduction With the rapid development of railway transportation, various types of high-speed heavy-duty bridges have emerged. However, in the construction of railway bridges with speeds below 160km per hour, the special bridges (01) 2051 series are characterized by small investment and short production cycle , Which is advantageous for the advantages of existing line transportation. As the mainstream beam type, it is still widely used. Compared with its predecessor special bridge 2059, the beam type is mainly reinforced on the transverse connection, which enhances the transverse rigidity of the beam span. However, Construction, due to the height of the pad, flatness, erection of the installation error and the bridge manufacturing errors and other comprehensive factors, often resulting in two transverse holes can not be fully aligned horizontal hole, leading to transverse tension with 32 fine thread mill crude steel Can not penetrate smoothly, seriously hindering the construction progress. The steel strand has good adaptability to the tunnel. In this paper, the 32m beam in the special bridge (01) 2051 series is taken as an example to analyze the feasibility of using the steel strand instead of the crude steel to carry out the transverse tensioning.
针对金属腐蚀原理,从源头上阻止海水对栈桥腐蚀,既大大降低了施工成本,又提高了结构安全。 Against the principle of metal corrosion, from the source to prevent seawat
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2002-2006年,我院泌尿外科共诊治阴茎硬化性淋巴管炎患者15例,现报告如下。1临床资料本组15例。年龄16~48岁。病程3 d~1年。均以发现阴茎背侧或冠状沟部弯曲的条索状硬物就诊