一、首因效应 首因即首次或最先的印象,也就是领导第一次见面时对别人的印象。有些领导用人时,非常注重第一印象,第一印象好,往往予以重用,第一印象不佳,往往打入冷宫或不予重用。其实,这是一种错误的心理和用人观念,历史上凭首因效应失去人才的例子比比皆是。《三国演义》记载:鲁肃在周瑜死后,向孙权力荐庞统,孙权大喜过望,但见面后却很不高兴,因为庞统生得浓眉掀鼻、黑面短髯、形状古怪,孙权对其第一印象不佳,即使在鲁肃提醒孙权庞曾在赤壁之战中献连环计后,孙权也不予任用,最终把庞统从江南逼走,白白失去一位人才。因此,领导用人千万要避免首因效应。
First, the first cause of the effect that the first or first impression, which is the first time the leadership of others to meet the impression. When employing some leaders, they place great emphasis on the first impression. The first impression is good and they are often reused. The first impression is poor, and they often fall into limbo or are not reused. In fact, this is a kind of wrong mentality and the concept of employing people. Historically, there are many abuses of talents by first-cause effect. “Romance of the Three Kingdoms” records: Lu Su Zhou Yu died after the recommendation of Pang Tong Sun Quan Li, Sun Quan overjoyed, but met after very unhappy, because Pang was forced to thick eyebrows raised nose, short-brimmed, strange shape, Sun Quan its first impression Bad, even in Lusu reminded Sun Quan Pang had Chibi in the battle to offer a serial account, Sun Quan is not appointed, eventually Pang Tong forced from the south, lost in vain a talent. Therefore, the leadership of the employer should avoid the first cause effect.