
来源 :上海教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:diod
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每个人都有自己的梦想,但大都不愿做一个只有梦想的人,教育者尤其如此。从做普通教师开始,我的梦想就十分明确,那就是希望学生们理解并能做到:整体大于局部之和。数学中有一个富比尼原理,初等化之后,大意是指计算某一个对象的个数时,用不同的方法得到的结果是一样的。其基础是:整体等于局部之和,不会因为计算方法的改变而不同。因此,要让整体大于局部之和是一个梦想,是教育工作者的梦想。原因很简单,因为教育的对象是人,哪怕我们的目标明确,计划周详,措施到位,教育都有一个不同于其他行当的明显特征:那就是结果的不确定性。如能通过学生的理解与 Everyone has their own dreams, but most do not want to be a dream-only person, especially for educators. From the beginning as a normal teacher, my dream is very clear, that is, I hope the students understand and can do: the overall greater than the sum of the parts. There is a Fu Bini principle in mathematics. After the initialization, the effect is that when calculating the number of a certain object, the result obtained by different methods is the same. The basis is: the total is equal to the sum of the local, will not be different because of the calculation method changes. Therefore, to make the whole greater than the sum of local is a dream, it is the educator’s dream. The reason is very simple, because the object of education is human beings. Even if we have a clear goal, a well-planned plan, and a proper course of action, education has a distinct characteristic that is different from other businesses: that is, the uncertainty of the result. As can be understood by the students
在美国海军于2013年7月举行的三叉戟勇士2013演习中,雷锡恩公司与美国海军一道,演示证明了最新版本的联合防区外武器C-1型(JSOW C-1)与1架E-2D预警指挥机和1架F/A-18E/F战斗
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CMMG公司最新推出了一款基于AR系步枪设计的个人自卫武器,有两种口径型号,分别为9mr手枪弹口径的MK9 PDW和0,300英寸BLK弹口径的MK4 PDW。该枪去掉了AR系步枪的枪托,但仍保留
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该枪是在萨科公司TRG22/42基础上改进的型号,采用模块化设计,有7.62×51mm NATO、0.300英寸温彻斯特-马格努姆和0.338英寸拉普阿-马格努姆3种口径,每种口径都有4种不同长度的
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