我国即将加入世界贸易组织。世贸组织基本规则和协议的作用主要是限制政府干预市场、干预企业的行为。因此 ,“入世”必将对政府的经济管理工作带来多方面的冲击。政府产业管理将呈现四大特征 :强化宏观综合调控与提供全方位的服务将成为政府产业管理的重点 ;对各种所有制企业一视同仁 ,鼓励公平竞争 ,支持中小企业的发展 ,将成为政府制定产业政策的基本指导思想 ;按比较优势原则选择优先发展产业 ,确保重要战略产业的发展将成为政府制定产业发展规划的基本原则 ;以“后期保护”为重点的宽泛的保护将转变为以“前期支持”为重点的有选择、有限度的保护。
My country is about to join the World Trade Organization. The role of WTO basic rules and agreements is mainly to restrict government intervention in the market and intervene in the conduct of enterprises. Therefore, “joining the WTO” will inevitably bring about various impacts on the government’s economic management. Government industrial management will show four characteristics: to strengthen macro-comprehensive control and provide a full range of services will be the focus of government industrial management; all kinds of ownership of enterprises without discrimination and encourage fair competition in support of the development of SMEs will become the government to formulate industrial policies The principle of comparative advantage should be given priority to the development of industries so as to ensure that the development of important strategic industries will become the basic principle for the government to formulate industrial development plans. The broad protection focusing on “post-protection” will be transformed into a “pre-supportive” As the focus of choice, limited protection.