我自己是思想不大端正的,所以对人世间种种荒唐可笑、贪鄙自私的事情,总觉得容易解释,而对正人君子的美德却常常发生怀疑。因为在我看来,“为非作歹”是不少人比较“本色”的表演,美德之下,反而可能隐蔽了什么特异的内情。 以自我退让姿态出现的“谦”(常言有谦让、谦虚、谦抑、谦恭、谦卑等等),无论在东方还是在西方社会中,都是公认的美德,在咱们中国尤其看重些。但仔细想想,“谦”实非人情。古贤以食色为人之大欲,恐怕还漏了一项——表现欲。为什么“水往低处流,人往高处走”?只不过人的天性是要显示自己比别人强,不论财富、地位、身分、名誉,总要自觉有那么一点“过人之处”,才会活得开心舒坦。像我这样的穷书生其实一无所长,不甘心,只好翻
Since I am not quite correct in my thinking, I am always apt to explain all kinds of ridiculous and greedy selfishness in the world, but I often suspect the virtues of a gentleman. Because in my opinion, “all kinds of evil” is a lot of people are more “true” performance, under the virtues, but may have concealed what the specific situation. The modesty (often modest, modest, modest, humble, humble, etc.) appearing in a self-retreat posture is a recognized virtue both in the east and in the western society, and especially in China. But think about it, “modest” real inhumanity. Gu Xian to food color people’s lust, I am afraid also missed a - performance desire. Why is it that “water flows downwards and people walk towards the top?” However, human nature is to show that they are stronger than others, regardless of wealth, status, status and reputation. Will be happy and comfortable. Poor scholar like me actually nothing, can not be reconciled, had to turn