Corundum dissolution in concentrated sodium hydroxide solution

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The corundum(α-alumina) core has been considered as a suitable candidate for investment casting of hollow, high pressure turbine engine airfoils due to its excellent properties. However, the efficiency of removing alumina cores in concentrated caustic solution cannot meet the needs of industrial production. In this paper, the effects of temperature and initial solution concentration on dissolution of α-alumina were studied by the classical weight-loss method. The fractal kinetic model was developed in order to describe α-alumina dissolution, assuming that the nonporous particles shrank during reaction process. The results show that the dissolution rate increases with increasing reaction temperature and initial solution concentration. Especially, the initial solution concentration has a significant influence on α-alumina dissolution rate at a higher reaction temperature. The activation energies decrease with increasing initial solution concentration, and the chemical reaction is the rate-controlling step. However, the efficiency of removing alumina cores in concentrated caustic solution can not meet the needs of industrial production. In this paper, the effects of temperature and initial solution concentration on dissolution of α-alumina were studied by the classical weight-loss method. The fractal kinetic model was developed in order to describe α-alumina dissolution, assuming that the non-porous particles The results show that the dissolution rate increases with increasing reaction temperature and initial solution concentration. Especially, the initial solution concentration has a significant influence on α-alumina dissolution rate at a higher reaction temperature. initial solution concentration, and the chemical reaction is the rate-controlling step.
10月12日,由全国绿化委员会、国家林业局指导,中国绿化基金会、人民网、绿色中国杂志社共同主办的大型公益活动“2012绿色中国年度焦点人物评选活动颁奖典礼”在北京举行。2012绿色中国年度焦点人物各奖项获得者揭晓。其中,第十一届全国人大代表、四川省戏剧家协会主席陈智林,北京二炮文工团副团长陈思思,煤炭总医院副院长屈正,著名画家,中国人民大学特聘教授刘俊刚,大型晚会主持人周波获公益人物奖。  四川省
Numerical heat-transfer and turbulent flow model for an industrial high-pressure gas quenching vacuum furnace was established to simulate the heating, holding a
10月12日,由全国绿化委员会、国家林业局指导,中国绿化基金会、人民网、绿色中国杂志社共同主办的大型公益活动“2012绿色中国年度焦点人物评选活动颁奖典礼”在北京举行。2012绿色中国年度焦点人物各奖项获得者揭晓。其中,美国远程集团董事长、美国南加州华人联合总会荣誉会长程远获国际交流贡献奖。  作为一名成功的企业家,美国远程集团董事长、美国南加州华人联合总会荣誉会长程远秉承中国人诚信和谦逊的品质,
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摘 要:水利工程可持续发展的重要组成部分就是水土保持,水土保持方案是水库建设项目主体工程的重要组成部分,也是开展水土保护工作的指导性文件。如何做好水土保持已成为我们面临的一个重大问题。探讨了水土保持方案的编制工作,并提出一些合理的防治措施。  关键词:水土保持;水利工程;防治措施;可持续发展  水库的存在不仅能解决农田灌溉、人畜饮水、城镇生活用水问题,还能补充乡镇企业工业用水,城镇防洪。因此进行水