【摘 要】
【机 构】
Some unfavorable factors in the social environment of our country have increased the difficulty of moral education in schools and forced parents, schools and society to pay more attention to the importance of moral education in schools in the new era. It is necessary to explore the new method of relevance and effectiveness of current moral education . Vocational art students have a strong artistic sense of aesthetics. By guiding students to contact with society and enterprises, it is possible to realize a new way of cultivating students ’moral education and innovation. It is realistic to improve students’ outlook on life, values and school moral education in higher vocational education Teaching significance.
老年人结肠癌有时因漏、误诊 ,或仅单纯行阑尾切除术而贻误结肠癌的手术时机。为减少漏、误诊 ,将我院 1990~ 2 0 0 0年收治的老年人结肠癌误诊为急性阑尾炎 2 4例的原因分析
Two rock samples with different structures and materials were deformed under a biaxial loading system, and multi-point strain measurements were performed for ea
第 1期理论研究新世纪伊始中国工程地质回顾与展望罗国煜 阎长虹 李晓昭等 (3)………………………………………两个值得关注的工程地质力学问题杨志法 张路青 尚彦军
Under the current situation of edu
What is a credible seismic precursor in observation of deformation? A real seismic precursor ought to be resulted from the variations in the earth strain and st
第七届全国古地理学及沉积学学术会议将于 2 0 0 2年 8月在甘肃省敦煌市青海油田召开。会期 5天 (含会间地质考察 1天 )。会后有地质考察。现将有关事宜通知如下 :会议内容包