Objective: To analyze the clinical features of progressive myoclonic epilepsy (PME). Methods: A retrospective analysis of 7 cases of PME patients. Results: ①PME in childhood or adolescent onset. ② With the progression of the disease all patients have different degrees of intelligent decline. ③ Epileptic seizures: general, focal or segmental myoclonus, irregular, asynchronous, asymmetric; usually combined with generalized tonic clonic seizures or partial seizures. ④ cerebellar, pyramidal tract and other nervous system involvement symptoms. Conclusion: The main clinical manifestations of PME are epilepsy, myoclonus and progressive neurological decline. Visual acuity is also a more obvious symptom. EEG is indispensable. Lactic acid exercise tests in some patients and relatives are helpful in the diagnosis of mitochondrial disease (MERRF) in this disease.