
来源 :中国司法 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chenhua99
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科学的管理是社会组织获得高效运转和良性发展的必备要素。司法机关作为一个相对独立的社会组织系统,要想实现司法公正和司法效率的价值目标,同样离不开科学的管理。随着司法改革的不断推进和法学理论研究的日趋成熟,人们越来越认识到我国现行司法管理对于司法权的行使所造成的不良影响。尽管我国司法管理制度改革已经取得了显著进步,但是同司法公正和司法效率的改革目标相比,现行司法管理制度仍然存在较大差距。在这种背景之下,我国亟待加强司法管理制度改革的顶层设计,以十八届三中全会通过的《中共中央关于全面深化改革若干重大问题的决定》对司法管理制度改革的部署为契机,重点在司法管理体制方面寻求突破口,科学建构自治型的司法管理体制。 Scientific management is an essential element for the social organization to achieve efficient operation and healthy development. As a system of relatively independent social organizations, the judicial organ can not be separated from scientific management if it is to realize the value goal of judicial fairness and judicial efficiency. With the continuous promotion of judicial reform and the maturity of the study of legal theory, people are more and more aware of the adverse impact of the current administration of justice on the exercise of judicial power in our country. Although the reform of judicial administration system in our country has made remarkable progress, compared with the reform goal of judicial impartiality and judicial efficiency, the current judicial administration system still has a long way to go. Against this background, we urgently need to strengthen the top-level design of the reform of the judicial management system. Taking the opportunity of the Central Military Commission’s “Decision on Some Important Issues of Deepening the Reform to Comprehensively Deepen Reform of the Judicial Administration System” adopted by the Third Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee, Focus on the judicial management system to seek a breakthrough in the scientific construction of an autonomous judicial administration system.
作者简介:冯春阳(1990—),男,汉族,河南郑州人,硕士研究生。单位:广西师范大学经济管理学院,研究方向:区域经济史。  杨鹿村(1988—),男,汉族,河南鹿邑人,硕士研究生。单位:广西师范大学经济管理学院,研究方向:政治经济学。  摘要:随着我国信用卡市场的迅速发展,发展中我国商业银行信用卡业务风险也出现。我们要以商业银行信用卡业务风险作为说明,商业银行在发卡过程中产生信用风险、道德风险、操
多年以来,通过多边、区域及双边的合作与努力,各国和地区的市场日趋开放,传统的关税和非关税壁垒得到规制并逐渐减少,而管 Over the years, through multilateral, regiona
作者简介:沈洁(1979-),女,江苏昆山人,苏州大学东吴商学院工商管理硕士在读。  摘要:随着经济全球化以及我国外向型经济的发展,对于我国的商业银行来说,在传统的银行业务快速发展的同时,其国际业务也有了显著的发展,给银行带来了巨大的收益。然而,伴随着业务量的增加,银行所面临的风险也越来越大。本文重点分析了商业银行国际业务风险产生的相关原因,有针对性的提出了防范银行国际业务风险的相应对策,以期提高