勇于创新 重展新貌——发展中的国电大寨水力发电厂

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国电大寨水力发电厂始建于上世纪70年代,位于云南省罗平县,是黄泥河梯级开发中的四级电站。利用黄泥河上游支流丰收河水发电,采用低坝径流式跨流域引水式开发。厂房为半地下式厂房,装有6台1万千瓦的水轮发电机组,总装机容量为6万千瓦,是一座国有中二型水力发电站,所发电力分别经两条110kV线路输入曲靖小冲沟变电站并入宣以昆线,另一条并入罗平500kV变电站,四条35kV线路分别输入罗平、师宗等地。国电大寨水力发电厂经27年的运行,为系统提供了54亿多千瓦时的电量,不断地追求,勇于创新。目前电厂被确定为在滇东部地区唯一能“黑启动”的电厂。国电大寨水力发电厂在设备技术改造和治理中,首先以提高可靠性、提高自动化水平为目的;其次既要使改造的设备达到较高技术水平,又要结合设备技术现状,使之统一和适应;三是确保良好的性能价格比等基本原则和要求,完成了对3#至6#水轮机的增容改造,使原来只能带负荷8.3MW的转轮改造成能带10.0MW-10.1MW的转轮;在主厂房各重要点新增了工业电视,同时为适应“少人值班”的需要,生产区、生活区均新增了工业电视监视系统;并新增了计算机监控系统(SJ3000型),同时对防误闭锁装置进行了全面的改造;并将尾水闸门启闭机改造为电动卷扬机,共有20余项的项目改造。 State Power Dazhai Hydropower Plant was built in the 70s of last century, is located in Luoping County, Yunnan Province, Huang Nai River cascade development in the four power stations. Utilize the upper reaches of the Yellow River tributaries to harvest rivers and water power generation, the use of low-dam runoff-type cross-catchment water diversion development. Plant for the semi-underground plant, equipped with six 1-kilowatt hydro-generating sets, with a total installed capacity of 60,000 kilowatts, is a state-owned second-type hydropower station, the power generated by two 110kV line input Qujing small Gully substation stationed into the declaration of Kunming line, the other into Luo Ping 500kV substation, four 35kV lines were input Luoping, Shizong and other places. After 27 years of operation, Guodian Dazhai Hydropower Plant provided more than 5.4 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity for the system and continuously pursued and dared to innovate. At present, the power plant has been identified as the only “black start” power plant in eastern Yunnan. Guodian Dazhai Hydropower Plant in the technological transformation and management of equipment, first of all to improve reliability and improve the level of automation for the purpose of the second is to make the transformation of equipment to achieve a higher level of technology, but also with the status of equipment and technology to make it unified and The third is to ensure a good cost performance and other basic principles and requirements, completed the 3 # to 6 # turbines capacity transformation so that the original only with a load of 8.3MW converted into a belt with 10.0MW- 10.1MW runner; in the main plant of the main points of the new industrial television, at the same time to adapt to “less people on duty” needs, production areas, living areas have added an industrial television monitoring system; and added Computer monitoring system (SJ3000 type), at the same time, anti-misoperation locking device has been completely transformed; and the tailgate gate hoist transformed into electric windlass, a total of more than 20 items of transformation.
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