中国泰州医药城会展中心会议系统具有涉及设备众多、技术水平高、可靠性设计难度大等特点,本文针对该工程会议系统的功能要求,构建包括显示系统、高清摄像录播系统音频扩声系统、同声传译系统、矩阵切换系统,基于部件和系统可靠性建模对会议系统进行可靠性优化设计,通过在某些不必要的设备上采用冗余设计可大幅度提高系统的可靠性,其可靠度由初步设计的95.2%提高到优化设计后的99.68%,本文的研究获得良好的工程应用效益,其对于不必要设备采用冗余设计的可靠性分析方法对类似工程具有较强的指导意义.,[ ] Conference system of Taizhou medicine city exhibition center is characteristics of involving numerous equipment, high technical level and difficult reliability design. Engineering conference system functional requirement, display system, video taped system audio amplification systems, simultaneous interpretation system and matrix switching system are constructed. Based on reliability modeling of components and systems for conference system, the reliability-based optimization is designed, and reliability increases from 95.2% at preliminary design to 99.68% of the optimal design. The study obtains good engineering application efficiency, and unnecessary equipment using redundancy design method of reliability analysis provides a strong significance for similar engineering.