以来自野生番茄Solanum pennellii LA716渐渗系群体包含果实耐压QTL的12个渐渗系为试验材料,通过与加工番茄M82杂交获得杂交一代,即ILH(Introgression line hybrid),通过渐渗系间不完全双列杂交获得杂交一代,即ILab(Introgression line a×Introgression line b),采用平板挤压法测定红熟番茄果实耐压力,试验结果表明,其耐压QTL表现出超显性、显性和加性效应遗传,QTL的互作也同样表现出超显性、显性和加性效应。包含在IL 8-2-1上的1个QTL(Crf8)和杂交组合IL 10-3×IL 8-2-1(即Crf10+Crf8)的遗传互作有待于进一步试验验证。
Twelve introgression lines containing introgressed QTLs were used as experimental materials from wild Tomato Solanum pennellii LA716 introgression lines, and crossed with M82 of wild tomato to obtain hybrid generation, ie, Introgression line hybrid (ILH) The results showed that the QTL of overpressure tolerance was dominant, dominant and dominant in the cross, Additive effect of genetic, QTL interaction also showed super dominant, dominant and additive effects. The genetic interaction between one QTL (Crf8) contained on IL 8-2-1 and the crossover combination IL 10-3 × IL 8-2-1 (ie Crf10 + Crf8) is subject to further experimental validation.