一、惠济河夏楼补给区地下水概况该区1964年开始打机井抽取浅层地下水,当时地下水埋深只有3米左右。后来,随着井灌事业的发展,机井数量不断增加,地下水开采量也越来越大,并且明显地超过了降雨入渗补给量,致使地下水位逐年下降。原来一般机井能保证6BA 泵正常抽水,后来只能够4BA 泵抽水,有的4BA 泵也不能正常抽水,只好采取水泵下座来解决。根据多年观测,地下水埋深,已从3米逐渐降到6米左右。特别是干旱年,更感地下水不足。因此,控制地下水位继续下降,是水利战线上的重要任务。
First, the Huiji River summer floor supply area groundwater profile In 1964 the district began to play well pumping shallow groundwater, groundwater depth was only about 3 meters. Later, with the development of the well irrigation business, the number of pits increased and groundwater exploitation was also getting larger and larger, which significantly exceeded the amount of rainfall infiltration and recharge, resulting in a year-on-year decrease in the groundwater table. The original general well to ensure normal pumping 6BA pump, and later only 4BA pump, and some 4BA pump can not be normal pumping, had to take the pump to solve the seat. According to years of observation, groundwater depth has been gradually reduced from 3 meters to 6 meters. Especially in the dry years, more inadequate water. Therefore, the control of groundwater level continues to decline, is an important task on the water front.