本调查着重研究乙型肝炎表面抗原(HBsAg)携带者的唾液对其家庭接触者的传播作用。我们用免疫酶联吸附法(ELISA)检测了得自64例 HBsAg携带者的64份唾液标本。结果,唾液的 HBsAg 阳性率为35.93%。研究表明,唾液 HBsAg 阳性携带者的家庭接触者的 HBsAg 流行率明显高于唾液 HBsAg阴性的携带者的家庭(分别为48.31%和31.18%、P<0.025)。此外,还发现唾液中的 HBsAg 阳性率随着其血清 HBsAg 滴度相应地增高。本文还讨论了传染性唾液的传播途径。流行病学资料显示,传染性唾液可能系经由污染的手通过损伤的皮肤侵袭其家庭接触者。结果告诉我们,HBsAg 携带者的传染性唾液,可能是一种传播乙肝病毒的媒介物,应给予足够的重视。
The study focused on the spread of saliva in carriers of hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) to their household contacts. We detected 64 saliva samples from 64 HBsAg carriers using immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Results, saliva HBsAg positive rate was 35.93%. Studies have shown that the prevalence of HBsAg among domestic contacts of salivary HBsAg-positive carriers is significantly higher than that of salivary HBsAg-negative carriers (48.31% and 31.18% respectively, P <0.025). In addition, it was also found that the positive rate of HBsAg in saliva increased correspondingly with the serum HBsAg titer. This article also discusses the transmission of infectious saliva. Epidemiological data show that contagious saliva may invade its domestic contacts through damaged skin through contaminated hands. The results tell us that HBsAg carriers of infectious saliva may be a vehicle for hepatitis B virus transmission should be given sufficient attention.