例1:男性,35岁.因右侧胸痛9月余,加重15天入院.9月前不明原因出现右侧胸痛,呈隐痛或阵发性剌痛,向背部放射,持续30min至1h不等.可自行缓解,夜间多发,曾服平痛新、可待因等效果不佳.15天前胸痛加剧,严重时伴面色苍白,出冷汗.呕吐胃内容物.入院前B超检查示肝、胆、脾、胰、双肾均无异常.陶片示双肺纹理增粗.血常规示WBC12.9×10~12/L,Hb 101g/L,N0.88.门诊以“胸痛待诊”收入院.患病以来情绪多变、焦虑、易激动.入院查体:面色稍苍白,呼吸平稳,心肺(-),肝
Example 1: Male, 35 years old due to right chest pain more than 9 months, 15 days admitted to hospital for 9 days before the unexplained cause of right chest pain, pain or paroxysmal pain, back to the radiation, ranging from 30min to 1h range Can ease their own, nighttime multiple, had to take flatulence new, codeine and other poor results .15 days ago increased chest pain, severe with pale, out of cold sweat vomit stomach contents. B-ultrasound before admission showed liver, gallbladder, Spleen, pancreas, kidneys were normal. Pottery showed double lung texture thickening .WBC showed WBC12.9 × 10-12 / L, Hb101g / L, N0.88. Out-patient to “chest pain pending medical treatment” income hospital Have been sick since the changeable mood, anxiety, irritability. Admission examination: looking pale, breathing stable, cardiopulmonary (-), liver