
来源 :蒲松龄研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yangchengwang0
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《聊斋志异·阿英》一篇讴歌了美好的女性情怀,作者成功塑造了鹦鹉仙女以及凡人女性等形象,借一段有始无终的姻缘和两个狭隘、平庸的男性,刻画了作为弱势群体的女性在世俗和离乱中的不离不弃,构筑了一种物我两忘、天人合一的感人情谊,丰富了《聊斋志异》的阅读审美,也体现了蒲松龄人与自然辩证统一的进步思想。 The novel “Strange Tales of Strange Stories” sang a beautiful feminine feeling. The author succeeded in shaping the images of parrot fairies and mortal females. By means of an endless marriage and two narrow and mediocre men, the author portrays women as vulnerable groups In the secular and the chaos in the never-ending, to build a kind of two things I forgot, the unity of man and nature, enriched the “Strange Stories” reading aesthetic, but also reflects the Pu Songling and the progress of the dialectical unity of nature thought.