进口欧洲鳗苗养殖生产,是近几年养鳗者探讨填补鳗苗奇缺的重要课题。据不完全统计,总成活率不足20%。我们先后调查10多个养鳗场,对欧洲鳗鱼大量突发性死亡,提出如下看法。 1.寄生虫病致死 欧洲鳗鱼的致病虫在日本鳗鱼也同样致病,所不同的是日本鳗鱼致病后,治愈率高,而欧洲鳗鱼致病后,在发现异常情况的3~5天内便大量死亡,严重的,死亡率可达50%以上,甚至全军覆没;个体大的先死,药物治疗失效者多。对病鳗进行检查,其鳃部及体表寄生大量的病原虫,分别有车轮虫、
Imported European eel seedlings breeding production, eel people in recent years to explore the lack of eel seed filling an important issue. According to incomplete statistics, the total survival rate of less than 20%. We have investigated more than 10 eel farm, a large number of European eel sudden death, put forward the following views. 1. Parasitic death The European worm eel disease caused by the same eel in Japan, the difference is that the Japanese eel disease, the cure rate is high, while the European eel disease, abnormalities found in 3 to 5 days A large number of deaths and serious deaths can reach over 50% of the total. Even the entire army is annihilated. Individuals with large premature deaths and many drug treatment failures have many. Eel disease examination, the gills and surface parasites a large number of pathogenic insects, respectively, car worm,