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随着科学技术的进步和我国现代化建设的发展,档案利用的需求出现了数量多、范围广、内容全、层次高、系统性强的好势头。近年来,各级档案馆通过编制检索工具、汇编档案史料等形式,加大了档案信息资源开发的力度。但是目前看,档案信息资源开发工作还远不适应社会发展的需要,特别是县级档案馆,全面、系统的信息开发仍处于不力状态。影响档案信息资源开发的因素很多,今天,仅就档案信息资源开发的心理障碍与自我调适谈点不成熟看法。一、淡漠心理档案信息资源的开发和利用是档案馆的重要任务和最终目的。要圆满完成这一重任,最大限度地为社会 With the advancement of science and technology and the development of our country’s modernization drive, the demand for archives utilization has seen a good momentum of quantity, wide scope, full content, high levels and strong systematicness. In recent years, archives at all levels have increased the development of archives information resources through the preparation of search tools and compilation of archives and historical materials. However, at present, the development of archives information resources is far from meeting the needs of social development. In particular, the county-level archives are still in a state of incomplete and systematic information development. There are many factors that affect the development of archive information resources. Today, only immature opinions on the psychological barriers and self-adaptation of the development of archive information resources are put forward. First, indifference Psychological archives information resources development and utilization of the archives is an important task and the ultimate goal. To successfully accomplish this task, to maximize the community
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本刊讯(记者李宏)国际液态食品生产、加工及液体包装行业具有重大影响和风向标意义的2014(第十一届)中国国际酒、饮料制造技术及设备展览会(CHINA BREW CHINA BEVERAGE 2014)
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