1 为了迎接对日寇大反攻的到来,准备大批炮兵技术干部,中央军委于1944年下半年,以原来在1937年建立起来的延安炮兵团为基础,又从驻陕甘宁边区内的各军政校院,以及从西安来延安参加救亡运动的男青年中,挑选了一大批优秀青年,组建成了延安炮兵学校。 文击、甄秉信等同志从抗大总校驻清涧第二大队挑选学员。当时我们一同去炮校的共有32个人。校部设在南泥湾。前任校长是郭化若,后任校长是朱瑞。炮校下
1 In order to meet the great counter-offensive against the Japanese invaders and prepare a large number of artillery technical cadres, the Central Military Commission decided in the second half of 1944 on the basis of the Yanan artillery regiment originally established in 1937, School, and from Xi’an to Yan’an to participate in the salvation movement of young men, a large number of outstanding young people selected, formed Yan’an artillery school. Wen Shizhen, Zhen Bingxin and other comrades from the anti-college headquarters in Qingjian second selection of trainees. At that time, we went to the school together a total of 32 people. The school is located in Nanniwan. The former president is Guohua Ruo, the president is Zhu Rui. Gun school