正是秋风送爽天高云淡的日子,我来到被誉为有“华山之险、峨嵋之峻、张家界之美、黄山之秀”的神灵寨。 神灵寨位于洛宁县南部、熊耳山北坡的国有三官庙林场境内,最高峰海拔1859.6米,亦名神顶寨、神灵山,古名太阴山,为军事要塞,历来为兵家争夺之地。史书记载:明洪武元年(公元1368年),这里爆发了著名的神顶寨之战,朱元璋
It is the cool autumn days, I came to be known as a “risk of Huashan, Emei of Jun, Zhangjiajie beauty, Huangshan’s show,” the gods of the village. Located in the southern state of Luoning County, north of Xiong’er Mountain, the god Zhai is at the state-owned San Guanmiao Forest Farm. The highest peak is 1859.6 meters above sea level. It is also known as the God’s Dading Village, the god’s mountain, and the ancient name of Taiyin Mountain. It is a military fort that has always been the battleground for the military. Historical records: the first year of Ming Hongwu (AD 1368), where the famous war broke out in God Dingzhai, Zhu Yuanzhang