Managing a One Trillion Dollar Forex Nest Egg

来源 :BEIJING REVIEW | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mbqgg
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  As China’s foreign exchange (forex) reserves exceeded$1 trillion in early November, much debate exists about thepossible impacts of this ballooning wealth on China’s economyand how to properly manage it.In two separate articles carriedin People’s Daily Online,Zhong Wei,a professor at theFinancial Research Center in Beijing Normal University,andZhao Xijun,Vice President of the School of Finance of RenminUniversity of China,contribute their ideas.
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March 16 wimessed the approvalof the landmark Property Lawat the annual session of theNational People's Congress(NPC). This is the first time thatequal protection to state and private proper-ties has
As an Australian expat teachingEnglish in China for over fouryears, I often encourage mystudents to not only learn theEnglish language but also tryto understand Western culture.
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Anyone who has chatted onlineknows that when the heat ison, brief is best. There is justno time to type out correctlyspelled,grammaticallygleaming sentences when the gossip gallopsacross the keyboard.
The second phase of the fifth round ofthe six-party talks on the NorthKorean nuclear issue recessed onDecember 22.
“There's nothing we are afraidto talk about as long as thecriticisms, suggestions oropinions are meant to begood for the country, thepeople, and social development,” said LiuJiren, a member of Nationa
The September 11 attacks on fileWorld Trade Center towers in NewYork changed the world dramatical-ly.
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Afairer distribution of China's growingwealth topped the agenda of thisyear's annual meeting of the NationalPeople's Congress (NPC), which was held between March 3 and 16.