Potential Applications of X-ray Fluorescence Core Scanner in Elemental Analyses of the Muddy Sedimen

来源 :Journal of Ocean University of China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tianfong
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Large areas of muddy sediments on the coastal shelves of China provide important samples for studying climate and ecological changes.Analysis of a large number of such samples,which is essential for systematic study on environmental information recorded in mud areas because of complicated sedimentary environment and variable sedimentary rate,requires a fast and economical method.In this study,we investigated the potential of X-ray fluorescence core scanner(XRFS),a fast analytical instrument for measuring the elemental concentrations of muddy sediments,and observed a significant correlation between the element concentrations of muddy sediments determined by regular X-ray fluorescence spectrometer(XRF)and XRFS,respectively.The correlations are mainly determined by excitation energy of elements,but also influenced by solubility of element ions.Furthermore,we found a striking link between Al concentrations and marine-originated organic carbon(MOC),a proxy of marine primary productivity.This indicates that MOC is partly controlled by sedimentary characteristics.Therefore,XRFS method has a good potential in fast analysis of a large number of muddy sediment samples,and it can also be used to calibrate MOC in ecological study of coastal seas. Large areas of muddy sediments on the coastal shelves of China provide important samples for studying climate and ecological changes. Analysis of a large number of such samples, which is essential for systematic study on environmental information recorded in mud areas because of complicated flows environment and variable sedimentary rate, requires a fast and economical method. this study, we investigated the potential of X-ray fluorescence core scanner (XRFS), a fast analytical instrument for measuring the elemental concentrations of muddy sediments, and observed a significant correlation between the element concentrations of muddy sediments determined by regular X-ray fluorescence spectrometer (XRF) and XRFS, respectively. The correlations are mainly determined by excitation energy of elements, but also influenced by solubility of element ions. Fusion Advanced, we found a striking link between Al concentrations and marine-originated organic carbon (MOC), a proxy of marine primary productivity.Thi s indicates that MOC is partly controlled by sedimentary characteristics. Beforefore, XRFS method has a good potential in fast analysis of a large number of muddy sediment samples, and it can also be calibrated to MOC in ecological study of coastal seas.
摘 要 从真、善、美三个角度阐述了莫里斯美学思想的主要内容,包括手工艺与社会改良、装饰与实用、风格与创新、自然与理性等,指出其美学思想体现了真善美的统一,对于现代设计运动的发展有着深远的影响。  关键词 威廉·莫里斯 美学思想 工艺美术运动 手工艺  威廉·莫里斯,是英国十九世纪著名的设计家、工艺美术运动的领导者。他同时又是诗人、小说家、思想家,英国社会主义运动的积极倡行者。莫里斯憎恶资本主义残酷
几百棵小白杨,像毛绒绒的小鸡雏,把那个春天和那片山岭染绿了。    他们50岁那年,开始了两地分居生活,她去给城里的儿子看孩子。  儿子是他们那个小村唯一一个走出去的大学生,在省城读了大学,毕业后又在那里工作,然后娶妻生子,就将母亲接到了城里。儿子原本想把他也一起接走的,却遭到了他的拒绝。他说,城里有啥好,除了车就是楼,没有岭上空气新鲜。儿子知道他的脾气,没再坚持,带着母亲一步三回头地走了。他站在
【摘 要】混龄运动环境的创设对于幼儿的素质培养发挥着重要作用,不仅有利于提高幼儿身体素质,还有助于培养幼儿的秩序感,提高社会交往能力等等。本文首先分析了幼儿园混龄运动环境创设的必要性,然后重点从区域面积、活动时间、场地设计、材料选择、教师指导五个方面分析了幼儿园混龄运动环境创设存在的主要问题,并提出了针对性的策略建议。  【关键词】 幼儿园 混龄教育 混龄运动环境 户外运动  【中图分类号】G61
出租车在中小型城市也越来越普及了,所以出租车计价器的应用也很广泛。出租车计价器是通过计算里程跟价格的函数来实现计价的。本设计主要是基于单片机 STC89C52跟存储芯片 AT