水足迹定义为一个国家或地区在一定时间内消费的所有产品和服务所需要的水资源数量,一个国家或地区的水足迹等于国内用水量和虚拟水量净进口的代数和.本文以广州市为案例,分6个账户对广州市的虚拟水进行计算,最终得出广州市2007年的水足迹为989.32*108m3,其中工业产品的水资源需求最大,其次是农产品和畜产品.近年来广州市水资源的污染严重,水足迹理论的提出对于广州市水资源的可持续利用提供了新的思路.“,”The water footprint is dened as the volume of water needed for the production of the goods and services consumed by the inhabitants of the country or the city.A country or a city's water footprint equals water consumption of the country plus net import of virtual water.This paper calculate 6 account of the virtual water of Guangzhou for the period 2007,Guangzhou appears to have a water footprint of 129.7 * 109m?.The industrial products needs the largest water,next is farm products and animal products.In recent years,water pollution is become more and more serious in Guangzhou,water footprint theory provide a new train of thought for water sustainable exploitation and utilization.