
来源 :联合国青年技术培训 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:1igang
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  30 September 2015 – As the world confronts the biggest refugee and migration crisis since the Second World War, Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon today convened a high-level meeting on the issue and outlined eight guiding principles to improve preparedness.
  “We must step up our work to prevent and stop wars and persecution. But we know that conflicts will not disappear overnight. More people will flee crisis, and people will keep moving in search of better opportunities. We must be better prepared,” Mr. Ban told participants.
  The meeting, held at United Nations Headquarters on the side-lines of the high-level segment of the UN General Assembly, provides an important opportunity for Member States to discuss the challenges and responsibilities, as well as the opportunities, that large migrant and refugee movements bring.
  Mr. Ban outlined eight guiding principles to improve preparedness, beginning with saving lives. “The preservation of life must guide all our efforts, from asylum policies to robust search-and-rescue mechanisms,” he stated.
  Also vital is protection; non-discrimination; preparedness to better adjudicate claims; responsibility sharing in terms of boosting the number of refugee resettlement places; better cooperation between countries of origin, transit and destination; managed migration to ensure safe and legal channels for refugees and migrants; anticipating future challenges – including the plight of those escaping areas progressively ravaged by climate change.
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