目的掌握厦门口岸的蝇类本底资料,为口岸蝇类的防制提供科学依据。方法从2007年1月~2007年12月,采用蝇笼诱捕法,对厦门口岸的蝇类种群分布、密度和季节消长情况进行了调查。结果本次调查共捕获蝇类58 350只,经鉴定隶属5科14属23种,优势蝇种为大头金蝇;全年平均蝇密度68.2只/笼,蝇密度高峰期出现在5、9月份,不同生境的蝇密度也各不相同。结论本次调查掌握了厦门口岸蝇类基本情况,为进一步开展虫媒传染病监测提供了依据。
Objective To grasp the flies background data of Xiamen Port and provide a scientific basis for the control of flies at ports. Methods From January 2007 to December 2007, flies cage trapping method was used to investigate the distribution, density and seasonal fluctuation of flies population in Xiamen Port. Results A total of 58 350 flies were captured in the survey. Twenty-three species belonging to 14 genera and 5 families were identified. The dominant fly species was Drosophila melanogaster. The average annual flies density was 68.2 / cage, and the peak flies density occurred in May and September The density of flies in different habitats is also different. Conclusion The survey grasped the basic situation of flies in Xiamen Port and provided the basis for further monitoring of vector-borne diseases.