患者 ,女 ,6 3岁 ,因咳嗽 1月 ,加重伴声嘶气紧 1天于 2 0 0 0年 5月 11日以Ⅱ°喉梗阻急诊收治本院耳鼻喉科。 1月前受凉后出现咳嗽 ,在内科诊为“支气管炎” ,服用罗红霉素等好转 ,入院前 1天咳嗽突然加重 ,出现声嘶、气紧 ,伴有阵发性干咳、喘鸣。检查 :T35 9℃ ,P82次 /
Patients, female, 6 3 years old, due to cough in January, increased with sound hoarseness tight 1 day in May 11, 2000 with Ⅱ ° laryngeal obstruction admitted to our hospital ENT. 1 month ago, cough after cold, medical diagnosis as “bronchitis”, taking roxithromycin and other improvements, cough suddenly increased one day before admission, there hoarseness, tightness, accompanied by paroxysmal dry cough, wheezing. Check: T35 9 ℃, P82 times /