如今,在传感技术应用较为广泛的领域中四处可见“Smart”一词.Smart技术、Smart产品……那么Smart究竟有什么含义呢?三年前,英国贸易工业部(Dept.of Trade and Industry)要求英国通用科学公司(Scientific Generics Ltd.)为英国制造商对“Smart”技术长远效益作出评估,研究的重点在于那些被冠以“Smart”的器材,还涉足了组装器件、传感器及执行器件等Smart结构.在评估过程中,研究人员发现,“Smart”一词从十分简单到出奇复杂,定义太多.他
Today, in the field of sensing technology is more widely used in the word “Smart.” Smart technology, Smart products ... So what exactly does Smart mean? Three years ago, the British Ministry of Trade and Industry (Dept. of Trade and Industry ) Asked Scientific Generics Ltd. to evaluate the long-term benefits of “Smart” technology for British manufacturers focusing on those devices that are labeled as “Smart,” and are involved in the assembly of devices, sensors, and actuators Etc. In the evaluation process, researchers found that the term “Smart” was very simple, complicated and defined too much