研究了 3个不同耐热性黄瓜品种在芽期和 4叶期对热胁迫的生理反应 ,同时进行了耐热性鉴定指标的筛选。结果表明 :黄瓜胚根伸长和侧根发生在 3 8℃条件下最快 ,4 2℃受抑制 ,4 5℃完全抑制 ;3 8℃下胁迫60~ 72 h的胚根长可作为黄瓜耐热性鉴定指标之一。4叶期幼苗经 4 2℃胁迫 3 6h,电导百分率和可溶性蛋白含量均能反映出品种间耐热性差异 ;3 8℃胁迫 3 6h后的 SOD单位酶活力和比活力也与品种耐热性一致 ,可作为黄瓜耐热性鉴定指标。
The physiological responses to heat stress of three different heat-resistant cucumber cultivars at budding and 4-leaf stages were studied. Meanwhile, the identification of heat-tolerance markers was also conducted. The results showed that the elongation and lateral root development of cucumber radicle was the fastest at 38 ℃, inhibited at 42 ℃ and completely inhibited at 45 ℃. The radicle length of cucumber at 38 ℃ for 3 h was One of the indicators of sexual identification. The 4-leaf stage seedlings under 4 2 ℃ stress 36h, conductance percentage and soluble protein content can reflect differences in heat resistance between varieties; 3 8 ℃ stress 36h after the SOD activity and specific activity of the enzyme is also related to the variety of heat tolerance Consistent, can be used as cucumber heat resistance identification.