21世纪初期,台湾高科技的发展在经历了20 世纪90年代的繁荣期后,开始进入全面调整时期。 一方面,受全球网络泡沫经济破灭的影响,国际市 场需求大幅萎缩,岛内高科技产业面临严重衰退;另 一方面,在大陆经济快速增长的磁吸效应下,台湾 厂商纷纷到大陆投资设厂,开辟新的发展空间,从 而促进第三波台商投资热潮的持续升温,形成以高 科技产业为主导的两岸分工格局。
In the early 21st century, Taiwan’s high-tech development started its period of full readjustment after it experienced a boom in the 1990s. On the one hand, under the influence of the burst bubble economy in the global Internet market, the demand in the international market has shrunk sharply and the island’s hi-tech industry is facing a serious recession. On the other hand, under the magnetism effect of rapid economic growth in the Mainland, Taiwan firms have successively set up factories in mainland China , Opening up new space for development so as to promote the third wave of investment boom continued to heat up in Taiwan and form a cross-Strait division of labor structure dominated by high-tech industries.