股票的买人和抛出是股市操作的两个基本环节,股票市场上常有这样的说法:“会买不如会卖。”股票抛出的常用方法有哪些呢? 1、本利分离操作法。所谓本利分离,是指把本金(最初投入股票的资金)和利润区别对待。具体地说,是把本金作为短线投资,追逐一些强势股,而利润则作长线投资,投放在绩优股上。这样做的好处是,本金可以及时出手获利,风险小;利润放在长线股上,心理负担轻,可以静待股价向有利位置发展。
Stock buying and throwing are two basic aspects of the stock market operation, the stock market is often said: “will buy better than will sell.” What are the common methods of stock throw? 1, profit separation method . The so-called profit separation, refers to the principal (initially invested in the stock funds) and profits are treated differently. Specifically, the principal is a short-term investment, chasing some of the strong stocks, while profits are long-term investment, put on blue chip stocks. The benefits of doing so is that the principal can be timely shot profit, risk is small; profit on the long-term stocks, the psychological burden of light, you can wait for the stock price to a favorable position.