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原发性肝癌是我国常见恶性肿瘤之一,特别对男性患者威胁较大,男女发病率之比约为7:1。肝癌的临床表现特点是早期症状不明显,不易察觉,一旦出现症状而就医,往往已属晚期。病人从出现症状到死亡平均5.79月,因此有人把肝癌称作“癌中之王”是不无道理的。近年来由于采用甲胎蛋白(AFP)进行大规模的普查,发现了一批无症状、体征的亚临床期肝癌。这类病人由于癌块比较小,大多在5cm以内,同时一般情况较好,手术探查及手术切除的机会明显增加,从而根本改变了以往那种对原发性肝癌畏惧、束手无策的被动局面。根据我们的经验,临床就诊组中1年生存率为5%,I期病员0%,而经AFP普查发现的病人1年生存率63.8%,I期病员占55.9%, Primary liver cancer is one of the most common malignancies in China, and it is particularly threatening to male patients. The ratio of male to female morbidity is about 7:1. The clinical manifestations of liver cancer are characterized by the early symptoms are not obvious, not easy to detect, once the symptoms occur and seek medical treatment, it is often already advanced. From the onset of symptoms to death, the patient averaged 5.79 months, so it is not unreasonable to call liver cancer “the king of cancer.” In recent years, due to large-scale screening using alpha-fetoprotein (AFP), a group of asymptomatic and physical signs of subclinical liver cancer have been discovered. Because of the relatively small size of cancer blocks in these patients, most of them are within 5cm. At the same time, the general situation is better. The chances of surgical exploration and surgical resection have increased significantly, which has fundamentally changed the passive situation of fear of the primary liver cancer and helplessness. According to our experience, the 1-year survival rate was 5% in the clinical visit group and 0% in the I-patient group. The one-year survival rate was 63.8% and the first-episode patient was 55.9%.
我院自1972年起迄今13年间共手术治疗大肠多发性腺瘤病21例。本组血便17例,占81%;粘液便11例,占52.4%;大便次数增多12例,占57%;1例因癌变出现急性肠梗阻。 Our hospital has t
咽淋巴环亦称魏氏环(Waldyer’s ring),是指包括鼻咽、软腭、扁桃体及舌根的环状淋巴组织。1971年 Amm Arbor 讨论会已确定咽淋巴环在恶性淋巴瘤的分期中是一个单独的淋巴部
城里有一处叫画市的地方。每年的腊月间,才形成一处卖年画的集市,其他三百二十多天与画毫无关系,但平时人们还叫它画市。  父亲年年在腊月二十几的一个晌午,带我来买年画,还置办别的年货。父亲自小喜欢画画,他选购年画时看了又看,挑了又挑,很少有他真的欣赏的画。他一边观看一边给我小声地评论着画的技艺。他偏爱自然风景,但他总要买几张胖娃娃画,专给祖母和我们住的大屋贴。他和母亲住的屋子多半只贴一张风景或复制的国
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