Primary liver cancer is one of the most common malignancies in China, and it is particularly threatening to male patients. The ratio of male to female morbidity is about 7:1. The clinical manifestations of liver cancer are characterized by the early symptoms are not obvious, not easy to detect, once the symptoms occur and seek medical treatment, it is often already advanced. From the onset of symptoms to death, the patient averaged 5.79 months, so it is not unreasonable to call liver cancer “the king of cancer.” In recent years, due to large-scale screening using alpha-fetoprotein (AFP), a group of asymptomatic and physical signs of subclinical liver cancer have been discovered. Because of the relatively small size of cancer blocks in these patients, most of them are within 5cm. At the same time, the general situation is better. The chances of surgical exploration and surgical resection have increased significantly, which has fundamentally changed the passive situation of fear of the primary liver cancer and helplessness. According to our experience, the 1-year survival rate was 5% in the clinical visit group and 0% in the I-patient group. The one-year survival rate was 63.8% and the first-episode patient was 55.9%.