北京有色研究总院近日研制成功了热喷涂用高铬镍基合金丝材(铬含量大于40%),该技术填补了国内空白,为解决电厂燃煤锅炉的高温腐蚀传来佳音。 据了解,目前我国发电厂大部分为燃煤锅炉,二氧化硫对锅炉的高温腐蚀很严重,两年一次的大修费要支付上千万元。但如果喷涂了高铬镍基金合金,就能保证锅炉管6~9年不用更换,具有显著的经济效益。
Beijing Nonferrous Metal Research Institute has recently successfully developed a high-chromium-nickel-base alloy wire for thermal spraying (with a chromium content of over 40%). This technology has filled the gaps in China and brought good news to solve the high-temperature corrosion of coal-fired boilers in power plants. It is understood that most of China’s power plants for coal-fired boilers, sulfur dioxide, high temperature corrosion of the boiler is very serious, once in two years to pay tens of millions of overhaul fees. However, if the spraying of high chromium nickel-nickel alloy, can guarantee the boiler tube 6 to 9 years without replacement, with significant economic benefits.