从小失去双亲的17岁农村女孩姜云燕,偶尔从广播中听到喀喇昆仑山三十里营房医疗站的医护人员数十年为戍守雪域高原边防一线官兵防病治病的事迹,决意也做那样一名医护人员,也干那样一番事业。她只身从河北省定兴县出发,跋涉万水千山,历尽周折,到达了目的地。1994年她终于被破格批准入伍。至今,她已两上昆仑山,并荣立二等功。 在新疆叶城新疆军区第十八医院,我见到了刚从山上下来的姜云燕,一身护士装束,脸上带着质朴、沉静的笑容。她说她希望不久再上昆仑。
Jiang Yunyan, a 17-year-old girl who lost her parents from an early age, occasionally heard from the radio the medical staff of the 30-kilometer barracks at the Karakorum Mountain for decades defended the prevention and treatment of diseases by frontline officers and men in the snow-covered plateau and decided to do the same That kind of medical staff, do that kind of cause. She set off from Dingxing County, Hebei Province, trek thousands of miles, experienced twists and turns to reach the destination. In 1994 she was finally approved to join the army. So far, she has two Kunlun Mountains, and won the second-class merit. At the Eighth Hospital of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region in Yecheng, Xinjiang, I met Jiang Yunyan, a newly nurse, with a rustic, quiet smile on her face. She said she hopes to return to Kunlun soon.