Relationship between leptin levels in maternal blood,amniotic fluid,arterial and venous cord blood a

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Objective:To study the relationship between leptin concentration and fetal growth.Methods: Levels of leptin in maternal serum, amniotic fluid, arterial and venouscord blood of 65 normal parturients (gestational age 37-42weeks) were measured by ra-dioimmunoassay (RIA) method. At the same time, maternal blood lipids were detected.Neonates were divided into three groups: small for gestational age (SGA) group (n=10), appropriate for gestational age (AGA) group (n=45), large for gestational age(LGA) group (n= 10). Statistical analysis was performed by t test, variance analysisand correlation analysis.Results: (1) There was no obvious correlation between leptin concentrations in ma-ternal serum and arterial/ venous cord blood, amniotic fluid, and also no correlationwith birth weight and placental weight (P>0.05). Maternal body mass index signifi-cantly correlated with birth weight and neonatal length and leptin levels in arterial andvenous cord blood (P<0.01). Leptin levels in arterial and venous cord blood positivelycorrelated significantly with placental and neonatal weight and body length (P<0.01)and negatively correlated with high density lipoprotein (P<0. 01). There was no obvi-ous correlation between fetal gender and leptin concentrations in maternal serum, arteri-al and venous cord blood and amniotic fluid; (2) Leptin levels in arterial and venouscord blood , placental weight in LGA group were significantly higher than those in SGAand AGA group (P<0.05). Among three groups, leptin concentrations in maternalblood were significantly higher than those in arterial and venous cord blood (P<0.05).Conclusions: (1)Fetal leptin is synthesized in uterus, born of itself and placenta.Leptin levels in arterial and venous cord blood are related to the intrauterine growthpattern. It might positively regulate birth weight and body fat content. (2)Either mater-nal or fetal leptin was not correlated with fetal gender. There is no gender difference infetal leptin concentrations.
目的对比分析X线、MSCT及MRI在主动脉夹层(AD)中影像学特征,并评价其临床运用价值。方法 30例经手术或行DSA造影证实的AD患者,对其X线、MSCT及MRI检查影像资料进行分析,总结
目的 了解汶川地震后某学院灾区籍大学生的应对方式和心理健康状况.方法 以四川某学院362例汶川地震灾区籍学生为研究对象,用应对方式问卷(CSQ)和症状自评量表(SCL-90)调查.
目的 评价口服西地那非治疗勃起功能障碍(ED)的疗效.方法 1200例ED患者服用西地那非治疗,其中心理性ED 789例(65.75%),器质性ED 162例(13.50%),混合性ED 249例(20.75%).结果
老年急性髓系白血病 ,强力化疗早期死亡率高 ,小剂量化疗 2 .5年生存率为 0 [1 ] 。国外报道米托蒽醌加阿糖胞苷(MA)方案治疗老年急性髓系白血病(AML)有较好疗效 [2 ]。为此