公司简介 中国出口商品基地建设总公司(中基总公司)是在中华人民共和国国家工商行政管理局注册的国有企业,具有独立的法人地位。作为中华人民共和国对外贸易经济合作部下属的一个综合性国家外贸公司,中基总公司在投资、扶持出口商品生产、科研、金融等方面颇有实力。几年来,中基总公司一直排列在中国进出口贸易额最大的五百家企业之列。 十多年来,中基总公司在工业、农业、贸易、科研、金融等行业开展了跨系统、,跨地区、跨所有制的多方位横
Company Profile China Export Commodity Base Construction Corporation (CGC) is a state-owned enterprise registered with the State Administration for Industry and Commerce of the People’s Republic of China and has an independent corporate status. As a comprehensive national foreign trade company affiliated to the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation of the People’s Republic of China, China-based company has considerable strength in investing, supporting export goods production, research, and finance. Over the past few years, the China-based company has been ranked among the top 500 companies with the largest import and export volume in China. For more than a decade, China Jiji Corporation has carried out cross-system, cross-regional, cross-ownership multi-aspect orientations in industries such as industry, agriculture, trade, scientific research, and finance.