According to the general survey of tumors in some parts of China, the incidence of colorectal cancer is 3.1-10.7/10 million, accounting for 6-9 of cancer. A thorough understanding of the etiology, pathogenesis, and carcinogenic factors of colorectal cancer and changes in metabolism (tissue enzyme activity) during the process of the disease are of great significance in establishing new early diagnosis methods, adopting effective preventive measures and improving treatment methods. The following focuses on the research progress of foreign countries in recent years in the pathogenesis of colorectal cancer, for reference. Looking at the “World Map” of geographical distribution of colorectal cancer, we will find that it is most popular in some economically developed regions such as North America (USA, Canada), Northwest Europe (UK, Denmark) and Australia; in Asia (Japan (India), Africa (Mosanguchi, Uganda), Central and South America (Argentina, Uruguay, except) are less common. From colorectal cancer