草编织品是我国传统的日用品和工艺品,在国内外市场上很为畅销。草编的材料来源广泛。有野生采集的灯心草、马蔺草、龙须草、甘尼草、芦苇;农作物的下脚料麦秆、玉米皮、稻草、高梁秆、葵叶;人工种植的席草、龙舌兰、竹壳等纤维类物质,均可利用于编织型式多样的草席,门帘、提包、地毡、草帽、坐垫、枕片、果盒、杯套、拖鞋等美观轻巧、素雅大方的各种产品。原料处理草编织品原料处理的好坏,直接关系到产品质量。由于各种原料的性质与形态不同,处理的方法也有别。现介绍主要的三个品种原料的处理方法: 1.马蔺草处理:马蔺草又叫黄草、席草、三角草。把它置水中浸10分钟左右捞起,放阴凉处30分钟,待草质柔软后,用指甲按草的三角形分劈为三,
Straw weaving is our traditional daily necessities and crafts, in the domestic market is very popular. Straw woven materials come from a wide range of sources. There are wild collected rushes, Iris grass, asparagus grass, Ganj grass, reeds; crop waste wheat straw, corn husk, straw, sorghum stalk, sunflower leaf; artificial planted grass, agave, bamboo shell And other fiber materials, can be used to knit a variety of mats, curtains, handbags, blankets, straw hat, cushion, pillow, fruit boxes, cups, slippers and other beautiful lightweight, elegant and generous products. Raw material processing Straw knitted raw material processing quality is directly related to product quality. Due to the nature and morphology of various raw materials, the methods of treatment are different. Now introduce the processing methods of the main three varieties of raw materials: 1. Iris grass treatment: Iris grass, also known as yellow grass, grass mat, triangular grass. Put it in water for about 10 minutes picked up, put the shade for 30 minutes, until the grass is soft, with a nail triangle according to grass split into three,