1、适时浇水。盆菊浇水要适时适量,即使是生长旺盛期,每天的浇水量也以刚好满足中午蒸发的所需水量即可。傍晚风大估计又无露水时,可用喷水的方法喷湿枝叶及盆土表层。 2、适期控肥。菊花喜肥,但施肥不当易引起徒长,施氮肥过多则株高叶稀,因此基肥应以磷钾肥为主。立秋后至开花前,肥水宜充足,其浓度要逐渐增加,并应注意增施磷钾肥,可使花色正,花期长。
1, timely watering. Water chrysanthemum should be timely and appropriate amount of water, even the vigorous growth period, daily water volume just to meet the required amount of water evaporation at noon can be. Evening wind estimated no dew, the method can be used to spray water spray wet foliage and basin surface. 2, appropriate control of fertilizer. Chrysanthemum like fertilizer, but improper fertilization easily lead to leggy, too much nitrogen fertilizer plant leaves thin, so the basic fertilizer should be based on phosphorus and potassium. Before autumn flowering, before flowering, fertilizer should be adequate, its concentration should be gradually increased, and should pay attention to the application of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, can make positive and long flowering.