薄熙来讲话赢得掌声最多 素以讲话不拿稿即席发言而闻名的辽宁省省长薄熙来,又让在场的新华社、中央电视台、香港文汇报的“老记”和与会代表们见识了一回。 薄熙来从红海滩和丹顶鹤说起,简短介绍盘锦之后,话锋一转,深情地回顾了胡锦涛、温家宝、朱镕基、李岚清等多位党和国家的领导同志及国务院各部委的同志到辽宁矿区视察的动人情景。当薄熙来讲到2002年李岚清副总理走访阜新采煤沉陷区矿工家庭时,挨家挨户察看,不时提醒中央电视台摄像记者,把沉陷区矿工房山墙的大裂缝拍摄下来。2003年除夕之夜,温家宝总理在阜新720米深的矿井下坐上矿车,看掌子面,和矿工一起吃年夜饺子时,
Bo Xilai’s speech won the most applause Bo Xilai, governor of Liaoning Province, best known for his speech without taking drafts in brief, also gave presentations to Xinhua News Agency, CCTV and Hong Kong Wen Wei Po’s “Old Record” and delegates Back Speaking from Red Beach and Red-crowned Crane, after briefing on Panjin, Bo Xilai recalled the loving talk with leaders and leaders of the Party and the state such as Hu Jintao, Wen Jiabao, Zhu Rongji and Li Lanqing and other comrades from the ministries and commissions under the State Council in Liaoning’s mining area Touching scene. When Bo Xilai mentioned that Vice Premier Li Lanqing visited the miners’ families in Fuxin Coal Mining Subsidence Area in 2002, they went from house to house and warned them from time to time, reminding CCTV camera reporters from time to time to photograph the big cracks in the miner’s house gables in the subsidence area. On the eve of 2003 New Year’s Eve, Premier Wen Jiabao took a cart under a 720-meter-deep mine in Fuxin to watch his face and eat dumplings with miners.