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钢结构工程在大型工程建设中是一个重要的工序,由于它的专业性强,往往由专业公司承担。其施工速度又直接影响整个工程建设的速度。大型钢结构工程由于钢结构工程量大,结构复杂,安装难度大,其它工序(如电、暖、水、装修工程)必须在钢结构工程完工后才能进行,因此编好钢结构安装工程施工组织设计有着重要的意义。 Steel structure engineering is an important process in the construction of large projects. Due to its strong professionalism, it is often undertaken by professional companies. The construction speed has a direct impact on the speed of the entire project. Large-scale steel structure projects Due to the large amount of steel structures, complex structures, and difficult installation, other processes (such as electricity, heating, water, and renovation projects) must be completed after the completion of the steel structure project. Therefore, the steel structure installation engineering organization has been prepared. Design has an important significance.
本刊讯(通讯员 钟广鸣) 近日,玉林市人力資源和社会保障局下发《关于开展2011年全市人力资源和社会保障工作创新评选活动的通知》,在该市开展人力资源和社会保障工作创新评选活动。活动旨在进一步激发该市人力资源和社会保障工作人员创新的积极性,营造勇于创新、善于创新、大胆创新的浓厚氛围,以扎实有效的创新推动各项工作开展。  参加评选的创新项目主要包括:在该市人事人才、就业培训、社会保险、劳动关系等方面,